Fundraise For Australia proudly graduated its inaugural Fellows class this past weekend at a time when the newly released Australian Charities Report shows that the sector is not growing fast enough to meet Labor’s 2030 target to double giving.
A critical part of achieving this target will be the continued recruitment and training of frontline fundraisers, those who cultivate philanthropic support and will be integral to securing larger and much more transformative gifts.
“That’s why Fundraise For Australia was formed, to identify, develop, mobilise, and advocate for, as many of our nation's most promising fundraisers to help build a diverse and powerful social sector that can raise the resources needed to support and strengthen our society.” F4A Founder Ryan Ginard said.
“The continued recruitment, training and professionalisation of fundraisers is critical if we are to take advantage of one of the biggest generational wealth transfers the country has ever seen. We need inspired and engaged individuals who bring energy, creativity, and new perspectives to the sector and that in essence is what drove the formation of this program and has resulted in 19 individuals graduating as a result.”
One of the new graduates is Michelle Chung from Sydney who just recently took up her very first fundraising role after two decades working in the NSW State Government. She now works at The Smith Family as a Philanthropy Manager and was quick to share the benefits of being one of the inaugural F4A Fellows.
“As someone who recently made a career switch to fundraising, this fellowship was an incredibly rewarding experience. Every week, we had the privilege of spending time with experts in the field, hearing their inspiring stories and learning from their experience.
“I’ve met fellows from very different walks of life, all with such generous spirit and commitment. It gives me great hope for the future of fundraising in this country.” she said.
The graduation kicks off a week of celebrations for the sector that culminates in Fundraiser Appreciation Day Australia which occurs on the first Friday of July - the first Friday following the end of the financial year in Australia - and the end of a very important month for charities nationwide. June is the time when we see more donation revenue come through than any other month.
Fundraising professionals play a vital role in supporting charitable organisations and nonprofit causes, channeling resources to where they are most needed. Their commitment and expertise in mobilising funds are essential for driving social change, tackling societal challenges, and creating a better future for all.