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Our F4A national fellowship program connects new and emerging fundraisers with the tools and opportunities that will help them supercharge their careers & deliver transformative change for their communities.


Australia’s rates of giving are low in comparison to similar societies worldwide, but with a new commitment from the current government to double philanthropic giving by 2030, there is a real opportunity to develop a new culture of giving within the country and to develop the infrastructure to ensure this goal is realised. 


The outcomes from our fellowship program will be two fold for our communities. It’s not only about identifying and recruiting new talent, and giving them the foundations for a successful career in the field but it’s also about representation. We will aim to recruit individuals in the knowledge that our profession more and more needs to reflect the communities they represent and fundraise for, and on behalf of.


F4A selects an annual cohort with participants then receiving over 50 hours of training across 10 sessions and then be supported in securing a good paying job as a front line fundraiser in the social sector.




©2024 by Fundraise for Australia

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